7 Ways to Speak More Kindly to Others

Conversations can be productive or destructive, sometimes by just changing a word or two.

Aside from our words and our tone, there are other factors that influence a conversation. Some we can control and others are beyond our control. For example,

  • Are we or they in a rush?
  • Are we or they in a disagreeable mood?
  • Do we feel unprepared to have “this” talk at this time?
  • Are we or they hungry?
  • Will we be interrupted?

Scheduling a time and place to talk can lead to better results. It also gives everyone involved time to reflect and prepare.

“You can say what you mean without being mean.” #nationalcivilitymonth

Here are seven techniques to help you speak more kindly.

1. Being silent is always an option.

2. Permit others to speak.

3. Facial expressions and body language can speak as loudly as our words.

4. Yelling never solves anything.

5. Profanities may feel good at the moment, rarely does it help in resolving the problem.

6. Name-calling, insults, or threats will end an interaction or escalate it. Regrettably, it will thunderously reveal our lack of civility and self-control.

7. By using these phrases a courteous tone can be established: Please; thank you; excuse me; pardon me; I’m sorry.

Try implementing these simple methods and let me know if your conversations improve. You may also notice that people will approach you differently.

Clearly the above methods are for common everyday interactions and situations, both personal and professional.


We all have a choice in what we say and how we say it. We may try to blame them, but rarely does someone literally “make us” say something. When confronted with a rude, pontificator or patronizing person, we can choose to pass or play. Losing our integrity is rarely worth it.


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Actress Life: I’ve been doing some acting. Here is something I’m in (Ep. 4) “Collateral Interest” Amazon Prime(*Please be advised; violence and lots of profanities.)

Etiquette Expert/Trainer, Author, Media Source 

Nationally recognized etiquette expert with over twenty years of providing trainings, and serving as a source for media.

Trainings are available for: corporations, sales teams, on-boarding, to support code-of-conduct policies to set a standard for employees, universities/college groups, school staff, customer service staff, dining etiquette programs for youth through adult, and actors preparing for audition/roles.

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FacebookRosalinda Randall


business etiquette, communication

AVAILABLE at Amazon or Barnes and Noble: “Don’t Burp in the Boardroom”, “Keep Your Distance!”