They’re online and just posted, but they’re not responding to my message!

You’re scrolling through your phone, and you see that someone has just posted online. Naturally, you think it’s a good opportunity reach out—they’re clearly active. You immediately send them a text or a DM. You wait…nothing. They don’t reply.

Your mind begins wandering. Why aren’t they replying? Why are they ignoring me? I always reply to texts as soon as I receive them. They should reciprocate!

Before you jump to conclusions or block them, there are many reasons why people don’t reply immediately. It could be as simple as not being in the mood. But if you need more reasons, here are fifteen:

15 More Reasons Why They Are Not Responding

  1. Social media posts, emails and texts, are often pre-scheduled, giving the impression of an active post.
  2. They may have glanced at your message, not able to fully absorb the details at that moment.
  3. They may have to consider their response or check dates.
  4. Your message isn’t urgent.
  5. They interpreted it as not requiring a response.
  6. You text too often.
  7. They’re on a call.
  8. They’re preparing for a meeting.
  9. They’re taking care of bathroom business.
  10. They just wanted to mindlessly scroll.
  11. They’re lacking privacy.
  12. They’re eating.
  13. Someone has engaged them in conversation.
  14. They’re boss just walked in.
  15. They’ve just had an argument with their lover, not in the mood to engage with anyone.

Business Related Messages

If the content of your text is work or business related, etiquette dictates a timely response. The response includes an acknowledgement of your text or email, as well as a time when they will formally reply. For example, “I got your text. I’ll get back to you EOD tomorrow.”


Before you drive yourself crazy, reach out to them again the next day. A simple “Hi, have you had a chance to read my message?” Give them a chance to clear up any misunderstandings. Try not to take it personally. Remember that everyone has their own way of handling things. If the content of your text or email needs an RSVP or has a deadline, include it. This may prompt them to reply sooner.


Whether your company is ultra-casual or law-firm formal, employees have to communicate. Therefore, it is essential to provide training to help employees refresh their communication skills. My programs are customized to address your company’s workplace culture, specific concerns, and support your Code of Conduct.

Programs are applicable for: Colleges/Universities; Country Club Members; Tech Schools; Sales Teams; Admins; Onboarding; Community Groups/Organizations; Tech Industry. Actors preparing for a role; Attorney Clients (preparing for court); Juvenile Detention Centers. Contact me to see how we can work together: Send me an email