An apology is worthless if insincere. 

Do you despise saying those three little words, “I am sorry”? Well, there is good news if you find apologizing hard to do!  Hire someone to do the dirty work for you! That is if you live in Japan.  For the full story: The Daily Star: Professional Sorry-Sayers of Japan

There, you can hire a professional “sorry-sayer.”  For a mere $240.00, they will personally deliver a face-to-face apology on your behalf. And, if you were a real cad, for a little extra, you can get the apology-surrogate to cry, giving “your” apology a little more impact.

“Nothing weakens a conflict more than a sincere apology.”

In the business world, an apology can soothe an irate customer, garner understanding from a boss or coworker, or smooth a broken relationship.

[bctt tweet=”Apologizing shows responsibility, respect for others, remorse, humility–all admirable traits. ” username=”rosalindatweets”]

Say and do whatever you want, as long as you apologize, we’re all good and all will be forgotten, or so it seems.

Why is apologizing difficult for some people? 

  • they don’t believe they ever do or say anything wrong.
  • their apology is never accepted anyway.
  • it never seems to help the situation.
  • they think it’s always the other person’s problem or fault.
  • they believe that they are always misunderstood.
  • they don’t think the person should be upset in the first place.
  • they have an I-don’t-apologize policy; they see it as a sign of weakness.
  • they think the person should just get over it.
  • no one ever apologizes to them.
  • they believe people are just too hyper-sensitive!

An apology isn’t always because one or the other person is right or wrong. That is when the handy phrase, “Let’s agree to disagree” is applied.

How to apologize to someone: 

  • Whether your apology is face-to-face (preferable), in an email or a handwritten note, keep it simple, keep it sincere, and state what you are apologizing for.
  • Avoid a smug tone or flippant one-word “Sorry.”  The insincerity might make the situation worse.
  • Don’t wait. The person on the receiving end doesn’t know what to think. Besides, waiting allows our ego or pride to creep in.
  • It’s never too late to apologize.
  • Never include an excuse, rationalizations, or a reminder of “when they did the same thing to you.

Helping Businesses and Individuals Find Success Through Better Communication and Social Skills

having lunch with a CEO, business dining etiquetteRosalinda Oropeza Randall, Social Skills and Civility Presenter, Media Source, and author of “Don’t Burp in the Boardroom.”

Presentations are available to support HR policies, sales teams, up and coming managers, millennials & new-hire orientation process, service technicians, professional development events, conferences, college/university students, interns. For more information, please contact me, 650.871.6200.

©2017 Rosalinda Randall. All Rights Reserved.

 photo source: the daily star desk